Dabbing Made Easy With High5 Digital Electric Dab Nail Kit
The contents include the digital control box, 6ft Kevlar wrapped coil, and 8ft auto-locking power cord. The box has a variable temperature gauge, and is able to be used from 0F – 1200F, although it is recommended to use below 1000F. The box also comes with USB port. This allows easy charging for vapes, phones, or anything with a USB charger.
Box Size: 5"x 4"x 2"
There are many safety features built into the machine, like the ON/OFF switch, specifically made for the coil, to not heat without permission, making the machine safer to use. The power cord cannot be removed without the safety being triggered. The unit is grounded and fuse protected, making the risk for electric shock next to nothing. The box itself has a digital read-out, making monitoring the temperature, easy and safe.
*Product available in-store only* - Due to
P.A.C.T. Act and Vape Mail restrictions we are no longer able to ship this product, as of March 2021. Please visit one of our
locations or
contact us for further assistance.