O.Pen Vaporizer Battery and Charger

$15.00 Regular price $22.95

Sleek And Stylish With the O.Pen Vaporizer

The O.pen VAPE battery is a sleek, subtle, vaporizing pen. Its small and discrete and capped with a stylus end, making it both unobtrusive and versatile.

The O.pen VAPE Battery offers a consistent 8-second puff, the Perfect Puff, every time, so you can decide how much is right for you. You can purchase pre-filled cartridges or you can purchase empty cartridges to mix your own essential oils.

No matter what you choose, the O.pen VAPE is a discreet and classy way to vape. 

The O.pen VAPE Battery comes with a lifetime warranty.

  • Lifetime warranty
  • The Perfect Puff
  • Stylus pen tip
  • USB charger
  • Rechargeable battery
  • 7 Colors
  • Compact Size


*Product available in-store only*  -  Due to P.A.C.T. Act and Vape Mail restrictions we are no longer able to ship this product, as of March 2021.  Please visit one of our locations or contact us for further assistance.