Dab Straws and How to Use Them Tutorial Video
Learn the benefits of a nectar collector dab straw and how to use one
Designed for oils, waxy concentrates and shatter, this simple yet elegant dab pipe features the innovative nectar collector style design. To use a dab straw, just heat the tip and dab into your favorite concentrate product. No need for extra pieces or changing tips. Best when used with a glass dab tray.
Each dab straw is made from Pyrex glass and range in a variety of colors. Check out the tutorial video for a full rundown on how to best utilize your new dab straw.
Products From the Video:
$12 Mini Nectar Collector Dab Straw
$18 Large Nectar Collector Dab Straw
$25 Dab Straw Nectar Collector by Shifty Glass
$2 Myxed Up Mushroom Silicone Concentrate Container
Video Transcript
Hey everybody. Welcome back to this episode of MyxedUpTV. I'm Todd and today we're going to be talking about dab straws. What are they? Well, most people think when you take a dab that you would need something like a water pipe or rig, something a little bit larger. Dab straws are probably the most efficient and probably the easiest way to dab without having to have all of the extras. I have here in front of you a few different styles of dab straws that we carry and then I'm going to use my own personal dab straw, which is one of the ones I have here to show you exactly how it all works.
A dab straw is basically what it sounds like. It's similar to a glass tube. One end will be for heating up for your nail where you'll heat this up and go into a concentrate, and the other end will be in a mouthpiece. At Myxed Up we do have a few different varieties. Our smallest ones are these guys. They're $12. We do have the next size up in that which is $18 so you can see here, heat up this end with your torch and use this end for your mouthpiece.
The one that I'm going to be using today are these guys here. I prefer these a little bit better. They are a little shorter than the long ones, but a little longer than the short ones, and they are about twice as thick in glass. So I do like these. These ones I believe are a much better dab straw than the smaller ones. But you can use anyone preferred on your price.
So normally with the dab you would heat up a nail and then you would use a tool to place your dab into your nail. Right? On a dab straw, it's similar, except you don't need the nail. You don't need the tool, you don't need a torch as big. We're actually just going to be using a small little guy today, and you can dab pretty much out of a lot of different things. So some people like to dab out of their silicone, non stick jars. That's what I'm going to use today. You could also use glass jars, glass dishes, things like that. That'll work just great, whatever you're going to keep your solid concentrates in.
So for those of you that know dabbing, we're going to be using a solid concentrate. That's what I have for us to use today. Just a little bit of shatter here and it's very simple. So as you can see, I have my dab straw on a nice little handy carrying case here. You put it on a lanyard, it could just hang on you. Put it in your pocket. Easy to go. Nice little leather guy. Pull it out. As you can see, this one's been used a little bit here. This is my own personal one. And so what I'll do is I'm going to heat the end up with a small torch and then we're just going to take this little concentrate and we're going to go down and we're just going to touch it with your dab straw.
So these are great for on the go. Great for traveling, very affordable, but you don't get water. So keys to heating this up. Make sure that you're not heating it up until it's glowing. If it's glowing red hot, that's way too hot. You want to make sure it cools down. With a nice smaller torch you don't have to take as long. The bigger ones are way too much for the glass and so you definitely don't want to be using those on your torch, unless you're good control and you can heat it up very evenly where you're not heating it up too much. So let's go ahead and we'll show you guys how to do this.
So we take our dab straw, take our torch, make sure we got our flame going, and then we're just going to slowly heat up the end of this torch. Now it doesn't take too long, it'll only take maybe ten seconds or so to really get your tip heated up to where you want it to be. I'm going to overheat it a little bit just so you guys can see the glow and that's what you don't want to do. As you can see now I'm starting to see just a tad bit of glow on the very end there. It might be a little bit difficult for you guys to see, but it's starting to glow just a hair. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to stop heating it up. I'm actually going to let it cool down a little bit because you don't want it that red hot when you do your dab and then once it cools down just a little bit, we're just going to touch it. Once we touch it, it'll vape.
There you go. So as you can see really easy, super quick. You don't have to pick anything up. You don't have to fumble with anything. It just stays right into your jar there. When I'm done, what's really nice with this guy is I can actually heat it up and since I have a leather case I can just drop it right back into my leather case and I don't have to worry about it getting hot or burning anything. And this can go right back into my pocket.
As for your concentrates. Yep. Just put your lid back on and you're ready to go. That's pretty much a whole set right here that you can take. Torch, dabber, and your concentrate all in one little kit and it can go in your pocket, go on your backpack, easy to go. So easy dabbing on the go. Dab straws 101. Right?
You guys can pick up these at myxedup.com or at any Myxed Up Creations locations. If you want something a little bit nicer, we also have water ones like Micro Nectar Collectors and things like that. Those guys are going to start out at about, I want to say $45 to $55 though on the website. So definitely check these smaller ones out, $12, $18 and I believe $25, $25 or $35 for the larger ones. It depends on the colors and things like that. But you can get, as you can see here, we have a slew of colors in the bigger ones and these ones are my favorite there you can see. But these work really nice, super convenient, and super ready for on the go. So thanks for watching everybody and we'll see you guys next time.
Ok so I can’t say thank you enough for posting this info. It’s 4 years later and still helpful.
Lemon Dropz on
This is SO helpful! I just bought a nectar collected today and I was really nervous to use it. Thanks for posting this!!
Cemre on